Try not panic
When a minor car accident happens it is often the case that you are so flustered. However it’s important to remain calm and take stock of the situation.
Assess any casualties
Starting with yourself, check if you are injured, then move on to the rest of the passengers in your vehicle. Don’t move any injured parties unless they are in immediate danger from oncoming vehicles. Call the emergency services, providing as much detail about the car crash as you can such as the location of the car crash, number of people and vehicles involved and injuries sustained.
Deciding whether to move your car
If it’s a serious motor accident, don’t move any vehicles. However, if you or the other drivers concerned have warning triangles in their vehicle, use them if you are physically capable and it’s safe to do so. Place them about 20 meters behind the car nearest oncoming traffic. If the motor accident occurs on a bend in the road, place warning signs on either side to alert motorists. If it is possible to do it in safety then remove debris from the road which may be a hazard to other traffic.
Don’t forget other road users completely; if it’s a minor car accident, pull over as far left as possible to prevent obstruction to oncoming vehicles. This is preferable to causing a massive traffic tailback by blocking the road for half an hour because of a broken wing mirror.
Make sure that your vehicle’s passengers exit the car from the left and stay as far left on the roadside as possible. Pets travelling in your vehicle should be kept in the car. Otherwise they could cause another car accident if let loose on the road.
Exchanging motoring details
These include:
· Your names, addresses and phone numbers
· The address of the owner of the vehicle you are driving if it’s not your car
· Your motor insurance company names and numbers
· Your motor insurance policy numbers
· Your driver’s license numbers
· Your vehicle’s registration numbers
· Your car’s year, make, model and color
Photograph the Car Accident
It’s a good idea to photograph the scene of the car crash and the damage to the vehicles concerned BUT ONLY IF IT CAN BE DONE SAFELY.