Bus Accident Claims
What are the most common bus accident claims?
The vast majority of bus accident claims are pursued on behalf of the passengers but, if a third party is at fault, the driver also has the option to follow up and seek compensation. Other incidents involve pedestrians but the majority of claims will be made on the part of passengers. Most instances relate to road traffic accidents and, as a passenger, there is the potential to make a claim irrespective of the circumstances that have led up to the accident.
The following is a list of the more common bus or coach accident claims:
Road traffic accidents of any kind
Doors closing too early resulting in injury
Trip or fall while entering or exiting the bus
Trip or fall while inside due to discarded litter or poorly maintained floors / seating
That isn’t a complete list so please contact us if you have been involved in a bus or coach accident of any kind.
What are the most common bus accident injuries?
The majority of bus accident injuries are closely linked to any motor claims and can involve, whiplash, soft tissue damage and broken bones. The following is not a complete list of symptoms but it includes some of the most common injuries that can lead to a bus passenger accident claim.
Fractures and broken bones
Soft tissue damage including contusion, lacerations and dislocation
In the most severe cases, permanent disability, paralysis and even death can occur. Thankfully those are rare instances but they can still form part of a bus or coach accident claim.
What to do after a bus accident?
Certain details are necessary in order to pursue a bus passenger accident claim and, where possible, they should be collected at the time of the incident. This list includes, but is not limited to:
Registration number of the bus and any other vehicle if applicable
Bus driver’s name, bus number and route
A record of events
In cases where there are severe injuries, it may not always be possible for the claimant to take those details. If urgent medical care is required then a bus accident claims solicitor would not expect you to supply those details immediately. In this case, third party information and any Garda report will be required as soon as possible. With those details supplied, it’s now possible to start the process in regards to a bus accident or coach accident claim.
How to make a claim for a bus accident?
There is a very clear law in Ireland that requires any incident where injuries are sustained to be reported to the Injuries Board. Without this requirement being met, it will not be possible to pursue a claim and, while the process is relatively straightforward, it makes sense to appoint a solicitor who has extensive experience in dealing with coach accident and bus accident claims.
Once that essential initial step has been taken, further information can be collated in relation to the claim. This would include essential information regarding the circumstances, eye witness reports and medical bills. Once submitted, the claim is assessed and any financial compensation that does apply can be calculated.
How long after a bus accident can you claim?
There is a general specification that requires injured parties to report accidents to the Injuries Board within two years of the Date of Knowledge. This factor relates to both bus accident claims and any that involve a coach accident but what do we mean by Date of Knowledge?
This term relates to the date when injuries manifested and they were known to be significant. In many instances, the date of knowledge will be the same as the date of the incident but this isn’t always the case. It’s important to understand the distinction and to know that a bus passenger accident claim submitted after the two year period is far less likely to be considered.
What is the average payout for a bus accident claim?
It is possible to list an average sum in respect of bus accident claims but it is important to understand that each case will be considered entirely on its merits. In the event of a successful claim, the exact figures will depend on a number of factors and these might include:
Nature of the accident
Severity of the injuries
Cost of medical bills
Projected cost for ongoing medical care if applicable
In terms of averages, one of the most common forms of injury is whiplash and bus accident claims of this kind may typically involve a settlement of 1,000 Euros. At the high end of that particular scale, the most severe whiplash injuries can lead to payouts of 10,000 Euros so the average is somewhere in between.
For broken and fractured limbs, average figures may be slightly higher and, once again, the numbers involved will depend on the severity of the injuries. Minor, soft tissue injuries could see claims in the region of 2000 Euros while more complex issues such as amputated limbs will be considerably higher. For example, bus accident claims which arise in amputation below the knee could lead to settlements in the region of 200,000 Euros.