We shouldn’t be going through this. It’s supposed to be a constitutional right

Tara McAuley Ryan is a mother who, after applying to over 20 schools across Dublin for her five-year-old son Reign, has faced repeated refusals. Reign, who has been diagnosed with autism, ADHD, and Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA), is in desperate need of appropriate educational support. Despite his specific needs, many schools have told Tara that they have no place for him or that he doesn’t meet their criteria.

Currently, Reign is attending a mainstream school, but this has not been a good fit for him. Tara was unaware of the need for a special education or ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) class until after securing his initial placement. Since starting school, Reign has struggled immensely with anxiety, resulting in repeated suspensions and a reduced timetable. Tara says the mainstream environment is not suitable for Reign and has caused more harm than good.

Tara, along with other parents in Dublin, is calling on the government to take immediate action to address the lack of available school placements for children with special educational needs. On February 28th, Tara participated in a protest outside the Department of Education, joined by dozens of other parents who are advocating for better educational opportunities for their children. Many of them have faced similar struggles, with one parent reporting 48 rejections after applying to 49 schools.

The issue of school placements for children with special needs is becoming more urgent. While the Department of Education has acknowledged the rise in autism diagnoses, parents continue to face significant obstacles in securing appropriate placements for their children. With reports of increasing numbers of children diagnosed with autism, the demand for special education services is outpacing the available resources.

Tara’s story highlights the ongoing struggle that many parents face when seeking the right school placement for their children. At Healy Law, we are committed to supporting families like Tara’s in advocating for their rights and ensuring every child has access to the education they deserve.


High Court Grants Mother Permission to Challenge Six-Year Wait for HSE Services